Welcome to my blog....I started this blog to express my feeling in the life and death of my precious angel, Giovanna Jean. She will always be in our hearts....we love you baby girl!

If you have found my blog because you to have experienced a loss please take a moment to sign my guest book.

I'm writing this blog for me, to express my feelings in this difficult time, if I upset or offend you in anyway, sorry stop reading!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

As school's ending for the year and summer vacation is beginning I can't help but think about how different I thought this summer would be. It was going to be the first summer in a long time that we had a baby, I imagine that Giovanna would have been learning to crawl and walk and truly enjoy her siblings. We're getting ready to go on vacation next week to the same beach that we have been to every summer since Bailee was a year old, I can't help but think back to last year when we were there trying to do all the things that we wouldn't be able to do this year because we would have a baby with us...we'll be doing those same things again this year, because our baby is with us only in our hearts. Since Giovanna died I find it hard to 'plan' for tomorrow, because I'm never sure if tomorrow will come...I guess in a way its a good thing, it makes me realize how fragile life is and that I shouldn't take anything for granted.

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